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A Rising Market- Start Your North Shore Home Search Today!

You may still be wondering if now is the best time to dive into the North Shore Real Estate Market. You’ve heard that the world of Real Estate is still on shaky ground, but there is hope! The Index of Leading Economic Indicators rose 1.4% in March, the Conference Board recently noted, making it the 12th straight month of increase! Which means the economy is steadily getting back on its feet!

Ken Goldstein, economist for The Conference Board pointed out that, “The indicators point to a slow recovery that should continue over the next few months. The leading, coincident and lagging series are rising. Strength of demand remains the big question going forward. Improvement in employment and income will be the key factors in whether consumers push the recovery on a stronger path.” Now may actually be a great time to cash in on those still low interest rates and the overall lean towards the buyers market.

Chicago’s North Shore is an ideal place to call home. With its close proximity to big city life, to its scenic foliage in the well kept neighborhoods; the area appeals to all lifestyles! Take a minute to view some of the stunning North Shore homes or feel free to contact me with any questions you may have regarding Chicago’s North Shore. The increasingly steady market means it may not stay a buyer’s market for long; so be sure to start your home search today!

Janie BressYour North Shore Real Estate ExpertNorth Shore Real Estate
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