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North Shores Spring Repairs

Spring is an excellent time to trim the shrugs at your North Shore home.

Whew….finally—winter seems to be gone from sight and we are
seeing some gorgeous signs of spring. I’m sure you’re like me…ready for spring!
With spring, comes some chores to be done to your North Shores, IL home.  Here are a few spring chores.

  • Pruning your trees, shrubs and plants. You’ll
    want to trim back most of your shrubs to give them a symmetrical shape and to
    encourage growth.
  • Fix damaged gutters. Winter can certainly do a
    number to your gutters. This is a great time to fix any that were damaged from
    the winter.
  • Seal water out of your basement. With spring
    comes spring showers, and it is important to examine your basement for areas that water could come in, and use a
    sealant to protect it from water damage.
  • Consider getting a sump pump. Oftentimes, people
    say they cannot afford a sump pump. But their answer may be different if they
    actually found themselves in the midst of water damages.
  • Check out the grade of your back yard and
    consider re-leveling it so it does not turn into a swamp with standing water.
  • Fix damaged screens. No one wants bugs getting
    into their home. Fixing any damaged screens in windows or sliding back doors is
    a great idea this time of year!

If this spring has made you ponder selling your North Shores home and buying a
new home, it’s a great time. I’m a seasoned North Shores realtor and would be
happy to have the opportunity to help you find the perfect home for your

Janie BressYour North Shore Real Estate ExpertNorth Shore Real Estate

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