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How to Buy a North Shore Home Before the Holidays

Tis the season for holiday chaos— festive gatherings, tree trimming, traveling to visit with friends and family near and far. Probably the last thing on your mind this time of year is whether or not to buy a new North Shore home and settle in before the new year. But don’t be so quick to write off the task! Buying a new home in Glencoe, Northbrook, Winnetka, Highland Park, or Deerfield is indeed possible— you just need an expert agent a handful of tips to get the job done!

Below are four tips to help you buy a North Shore home before the holidays:

Get pre-approved

You never want to begin your home search by touring homes that are outside of your budget. Instead, take the time to get pre-approved with a mortgage lender so you know exactly how much home you can afford, as well as whether or not you even qualify to make the purchase.

Find an expert agent

Your real estate agent should know the market well, as well as have a large network and know how to leverage technology to get the job done. For instance, when you have a specific timeline in mind to buy a home, your agent should know exactly which local professionals to bring in to complete the transaction, from the lender to the inspector.

Sort your documents

A successful homebuyer is an organized homebuyer! Keep all of your documents organized in a folder designated solely for your home purchase. Put together all of the documents you will need to buy a home— tax returns from the past two years, W2’s or pay stubs, as well as two months worth of bank statements from all accounts. This will speed up the process when the documents are needed!

Keep everyone on track

If you’re under contract to buy a home on Chicago’s North Shore, you will want to stay on top of everyone to keep the transaction moving. When you work with the right real estate agent, they should play an important role in this as well. There is a lot of down time considering all of the parties involved in the transaction and it can be a while before someone gets the document they need or answers a question. If you haven’t heard back in a timely manner, always check in!

We’re wrapping up 2018, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait any longer to buy a new home in Glencoe, Northbrook, Winnetka, Highland Park, or Deerfield! Give me a call today for more information about available properties and getting started on your home search or home sale!

I look foward to hearing from you!

Janie BressYour North Shore Real Estate ExpertNorth Shore Real Estate
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