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My North Shore Blog

Winnetka Park Market Stats for February 2015

By in My North Shore Blog with 0 Comments

City Active Listings: There are a total of 138 properties actively on the market with the average price of $2,008,158 in Winnetka. City Sold Listings: 9 properties closed last month in City with an average sales price of $1,147,944, the average time on market for these properties was 148 days. To view the complete report including additional detailed data, charts […]

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North Shores Spring Repairs

By in My North Shore Blog with 0 Comments

Spring is an excellent time to trim the shrugs at your North Shore home. Whew….finally—winter seems to be gone from sight and we are seeing some gorgeous signs of spring. I’m sure you’re like me…ready for spring! With spring, comes some chores to be done to your North Shores, IL home.  Here are a few […]

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Highland Park Market Stats for January 2015

By in My North Shore Blog with 0 Comments

City Active Listings: There are a total of 190 properties actively on the market with the average price of $987,834 in Highland Park. City Sold Listings: 29 properties closed last month in City with an average sales price of $487,418, the average time on market for these properties was 110 days.  To view the complete report including additional detailed […]

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