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5 Great Things About Owning a North Shore Home!

As a North Shore Real Estate agent, I’ve talked with those who are interested in buying a home in one of the North Shore communities such as Deerfield, Glencoe, Northbrook, Highland Park or Winnetka. While there are a wide variety of stunning homes on the North Shore Real Estate market, these interested buyers are reluctant to jump in to the market.

It could be that these buyers don’t want to deal with buying a home during the holiday season, or they’ve heard negative reports from the media and aren’t willing to take a risk. However, now is a great time to buy a North Shore home! Not only is there less competition during the holidays, but the current buyers market is an ideal backdrop for taking the plunge!

Recently, Carla Hill from Realty Times, pointed out five great things about homeownership that I feel are well worth sharing. Take a look!

1. Equity– When you pay rent, you never see that money again. Yes, buying a home can come with some initial costs, but you will make that money back over time in equity built in the home. Historically, homes appreciate by about 4% to 6% a year.

2. Relationships– Renters tend to see their neighbors come and go quickly. Neighbors stay put much longer with homeownership, which means you have more time to develop relationships within the community. Research has shown that people with healthy relationships have more happiness and less stress.

3. Predictability– Well, as long as you have a fixed-rate term on your mortgage; it’s predictable. Most people buying homes today know that a fixed-rate is the way to go. Homeownership generally also comes with a predictable table of expenditures, such as you’ll need to pay for the gutters to be cleaned, etc…

4. Ownership– Okay, this is a given. Homeownership means you “own” your home. That comes with some incredible perks! You can renovate, update, paint and decorate to your heart’s desire. The bottom line is this is your home and you can personalize it to your taste.

5. Great Deals– It’s a great time to buy! Interest rates are at historic lows such as 4% rather than 6% or higher. This means big savings for today’s buyers! Home prices have also taken a dip since the recession, which means homes are more affordable than ever.

I’m sure many of these reasons for homeownership you’re very aware of, but it’s always good to be reminded! Buying a North Shore home is a large financial investment and not one to be taken lightly. However, it’s also important to act when you have your financing in order and the market conditions are right.

The real estate market is currently primed for buyers, so if you are considering moving within the area or are relocating to Chicago’s North Shore; please let me know! I’d enjoy the opportunity to meet with you and discuss your real estate needs!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Janie BressYour North Shore Real Estate ExpertNorth Shore Real Estate
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