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Make a Great First Impression on North Shore Homebuyers

If you’ve decided to list your North Shore home for sale this year, making a great first impression on area buyers will be one of the first things to do. And while it may seem like a challenge in today’s real estate market, it doesn’t have to be!

As your North Shore real estate expert, I’m happy to share these five ways to wow buyers as they visit your home in Glencoe, Winnetka, Northbrook, Deerfield or Highland Park:

Tackle curb appeal

Go outside and attempt to view your home from the buyer’s perspective. Does the lawn need mowed? Are your plants and flowers drooping? Remove any branches blocking walkways or those cluttering your yard, prune shrubs and hedges and say goodbye to all outdoor furniture you don’t plan to take with you on your move.

Make an entrance

The entrance to your home on Chicago’s North Shore should feel inviting and intriguing. Homebuyers should want to come inside and take a look around, just from the looks of the exterior! To make that happen, consider replacing your front door or giving your current one a fresh coat of paint. Replace the house numbers, give the mailbox a spruce or replace it altogether and wash all windows.

Clean the carpets and floors

Homebuyers can tend to wonder if you’ve let other parts of your home go just by looking at the flooring. Give the carpets a good cleaning—whether you hire the pros on the North Shore or do it yourself—and clean your wood floors to get rid of all dust and footprints.

Replace light bulbs

The simple act of replacing old light bulbs with maximum wattage bulbs can make your home feel much brighter and airier. Use as much wattage as the light fixture will take to bring more light into your North Shore home.

Remove signs of pets

Of course you love your pets, but potential homebuyers may not. Prior to listing your home or taking photos, remove any signs of pets from the property. Whether that means putting their toys into storage or putting away leashes, bowls and beds— this step can make a big difference for homebuyers that may not want to move into a home that has had pets.

Now is a great time to make a move to a new home in Glencoe, Winnetka, Northbrook, Highland Park and Deerfield! Give me a call today to discuss how to prepare your home for the real estate market and the benefits of selling now.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Janie BressYour North Shore Real Estate ExpertNorth Shore Real Estate
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